Eagle Sigil

eagle sigil Gracis controls the Eagle Sigil. He is an ancient and powerful kindred, born in Roman times. Today, Gracis plays the political game with relish. His ambitions have been frustrated by Myfanwy and Henry over the centuries, but he is determined to take them both down eventually.

Gracis is proud and haughty. He gives his Sigil to those who can help him, but also to anyone willing to flatter him. They all tend to be a bit like him; proud and hedonistic.

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Eagle Sigil Gracis (Councilor for Eagle Sigil)


A fat foppish fool, obsessed with himself. However, his eyes belong to a very different man. They are sharp and intelligent behind the chubby cheeks and puffy brows.


His self-obsession is ridiculous, but his intrigues are clever and dangerous. He is a friend only to those whom he finds useful. But he is a good friend to have.

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eagle sigil Jeanne


A haughty young lady who speaks with a slight French accent. She divides those she meets into the 'worthy' (with whom she is pleasant and cordial) and the 'others' (whom she ignores).


She is a clever and resourceful foe, who ably aids Gracis with his cunning plots.

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eagle sigil Howard


A nobleman. His conversation is measured and well-practiced. His greying temples give him a fatherly air. It is difficult not to be respectful towards him; he seems to expect it.


He was once a member of the landed gentry. His money bought him a reasonably important place in City society, and he seems to be content with that. Gracis seems to bribe him with something, for he occasionally lends him his (not inconsiderable) support.

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eagle sigil Godwin


An honourable man. His eyes look straight at you, there is no shiftiness. A man you could trust with your life.


Another of Henry's 'enforcers'. He believes in what he is doing, and that makes him all the more dangerous.

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eagle sigil Patricia


Self-effacing and (frankly) a little slow. She says very little; all of her expressiveness seems to be in her eyes. They scream out at you with pain and pleading. All she ever talks about is what a happy girl she used to be; life and soul.


Hagen must really have done something monstrous to her. (All of his other progeny seem to show the same mental scars in one way or anotherŲ©) She says she fled and hid in the Outlands for over ten years before she worked up the courage to come back. It looks like she's still got a lot of recovering to do.

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Some of the material presented here is based on character details published in the book "Milwaukee by Night", published by White-Wolf.

Vampire: The Masquerade is a roleplaying game produced by White Wolf Game Studio.