Water Sigil |
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![]() No one is certain quite how ancient Myfanwy is, or how powerful she might be. This uncertainty instills a chill of fear in her enemies. She controls most of the City's financial institutions, and possesses fabulous wealth, much of which is managed for her by Tremayne. Her business interests span the globe.
Myfanwy tends to give her Sigil to people whom she likes, often artistic friends
of Annabelle. Or to talented people who
can further her business interests. |
Myfanwy |
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Myfanwy (Councilor for Water Sigil) |
Impression |
Pleasant and softly spoken. Intelligent and caring. A little inscrutable; her blind eyes give nothing away. It's almost natural to think of her as being on your side. |
Reputation |
Very powerful, yet unthreatening. She is many centuries old and has almost limitless puissance. She can be ruthless in business dealings, but she can also be kind and generous. |
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Annabelle |
Impression |
An aging hedonist. Thinks a lot of herself. Her existence is a decadent whirlwind of action and sensation. |
Reputation |
Not to be trifled with. She has a great deal of power, and the ambition to grab a great deal more. A good ally. |
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Endle |
Impression |
A young snob; aloof and arrogant. He makes those around him feel nervous. |
Reputation |
What power he has is entirely Annabelle's gift. But there are hidden depths within his shallow exterior; his mysterious eyes miss very little. |
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Mary |
Impression |
Quiet and open hearted (perhaps a little naive). She carries an air of great energy, and of little guile. |
Reputation |
Perhaps a little more thoughtful than one would expect of one of Annabelle's entourage. |
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Lucina |
Impression |
Beautiful, graceful and sophisticated. Enjoys good living. She has the body of a sixteen year old and sometimes appears sweet and innocent, but she has clearly lived for many years. Quick to burst into temper tantrums. |
Reputation |
Reactionary and conservative. She is obsessed with cultural heritage. An opera and 'high art' snob. |
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Anton |
Impression |
An immature child. Willful, amoral and hedonistic. |
Reputation |
No wonder that Lucina is this one's Sire. And no wonder too that he gets on so well with Annabelle. Dangerously reckless. |
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Louis |
Impression |
A charming young man. Suave and self-assured. A little distant. Chooses his friends carefully. Often seen with Lucina. |
Reputation |
A real gentleman. Haughty and superior to his social 'inferiors', but a good friend to his peers. |
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Tremayne |
Impression |
Smart and conservative looking. Honest, yet devious in an old-fashioned sort of way. A member of the 'old school'. |
Reputation |
A cold fish, dangerous when crossed. He is Myfanwy's, completely. Some say that she has given him her eyes. (Metaphorically, or literally? It's hard to say.) |
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Rocky |
Impression |
Dirty and smelly. But her soft brown eyes look caring and intelligent in a motherly way. She has a faint musky odour which some men find faintly arousing. The mind keeps drifting, imagining long smooth slender limbs beneath her shabby clothesÉ |
Reputation |
Her concern for the young and disadvantaged is touching. Why does she do it? Perhaps because of the useful contacts it gets her. |
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George |
Impression |
A 'good egg' or 'a fool', opinions differ. Affable and likable. A reliable friend. |
Reputation |
A fool. Or is that only a cover? Perhaps he is one of Myfanwy's cleverest agents. He certainly works hard to advance her interests. And as for the rest of his timeÉ there are rumours of the occult. |
Death |
His staked and horribly mutilated body was found at his home during the interregnum (1956). No culprit has ever been identified, although someone who bore the old Cross sigil would be the prime suspect. |
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Florence |
Impression |
Reserved, yet pleasant enough. She keeps herself to herself and rarely speaks unless she has something to say. |
Reputation |
She keeps herself to herself. Perhaps she is in thrall to Tremayne? |
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Catherine |
Impression |
When her fresh face smiles; it seems as though it should be 'decked with spring flowers and haloed with sunlightÉ She seems guileless and beautiful. |
Reputation |
A good companion. Talented, intelligent and interesting. She believes that Henry is right, the City needs a leader, and he is the one for the job. |
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Leyland |
Impression |
A tall and imposing middle-aged looking Englishman. He has the far-away
look of a man driven. He rarely takes any interest in conversation; his
mind seems to drift. He is strikingly life-like. His pink face and the sound of his breathing would be easily enough to convince you that he is mortal, if you didn't know better. |
Reputation |
He never trusts anyone. He can explode into violent fits over the most trivial seeming things, and he has a strange obsession with small girls. All in all he doesn't seem very stable. |
Some of the material presented here is based on character details
published in the book "Milwaukee by Night", published by White-Wolf.