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Esperanza All [PR] The Revolution 1  
Joyeuse All [PR] ‘Campaign for Deathstar Disarmament’ press conference 3  

From: Esperanza
To:   All
Week: 1

PRESS RELEASE: The Revolution

The Thatcher is proud to announce that the peoples’ revolution against the Cromwell and the 16 hour working day is complete.

The Cromwell was killed fleeing Justice. During the 3.5 months since the Revolution started, on 18th September 5626, every last piece of resistance in the Government, Army and Navy has been crushed. To mark this turning point in the history of Esperanza, the leader has been re-titled ‘the Thatcher’ and his residence will henceforth be called ‘Downing Palace’.

It has been brought to my attention that some foreign emissaries have encountered legal difficulties through ignorance of Esperanzan law. As a sign of good faith, a 6-star hotel has been built on Vesa, the second moon of Helen a Gas Giant in the Esperanzan system. This has its own spaceport facility and complementary fuel supply. This is exclusive to diplomatic personnel. I hereby invite all such representatives on Esperanza to take up residence.

Not wishing to taint the atmosphere of this missive, I must state that the policy of Mutually Assured Destruction still stands.

Thank You for your Cooperation.

The Thatcher.

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Amondiage Embassy destroyed in riot, deputy Ambassador killed.

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Two New Home ‘Teleport’ class couriers destroyed by Neubayern Patrol. Attack was unprokoved, says New Home Ambassador.

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week 7
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Sansterre establishes naval base. Inhabitants protest.

St. Hilaire
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