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Serendip Belt - week 5 More... [ history | world ]    

The Ranger class tug Aragorn leaves Serendip Belt bound for Joyeuse. It is carrying an X-bomb class vessel. This will be used as a publicity tool at the opening of the Joyeuse disarmament conference.

Serendip Belt - week 7 More... [ history | world ]    

Trading vessels bring news of the annexation of Zuflucht to the general population of the Serendip Belt. The governments of several miniworlds complain to the Board of Shareholders that they were not consulted in this matter. Lord Soth refers them to the passage in their contracts which turns over all of their foreign relations responsibilities to the Corporation.

In spite of this, the majority of the Belt public is solidly behind the annexation, which will “extend the benefits of Serendip Belt civilization to even more people.”

Serendip Belt - week 10 More... [ history | world ]    

from to subject week  
Joyeuse CONFERENCE [CONF] Proposal for a Planet-Buster disarmament treaty. 8  
Serendip Belt CONFERENCE [CONF] Serendip Belt has no ‘horrific X-bomb planet-busters’ 8  
Neubayern All [PR] We deplore Serendip Belt’s imperialistic invasion of Zuflucht 8  
New Colchis Joyeuse, Serendip Belt We should assassinate the Thatcher, and then seize control of Esperanza under the pretext of ‘restoring order’ 8  
New Colchis Serendip Belt, Neubayern, Joyeuse, New Home, Amondiage, Sansterre We must unite to face the true enemy: Esperanza 8  

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Disarmament Conference opens on Joyeuse.

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Amondiage Embassy destroyed in riot, deputy Ambassador killed.

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New terrorist outrages destroy Naval fuel facilities. Esperanzan Freedom Army claims responsibility.


Massive blast destroys jump-drive factory. 1000’s dead! Government blames terrorists.

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Two New Home ‘Teleport’ class couriers destroyed by Neubayern Patrol. Attack was unprokoved, says New Home Ambassador.

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week 10
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Sansterre establishes naval base. Inhabitants protest.

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(-3 weeks)

Zuflucht annexed by brutal Serendip Belt invasion!

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