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Colchis - week 5 More... [ history | world ]   X

Amondiage Embassy destroyed in riot, deputy Ambassador killed.

The Amondiage Deputy Ambassador was killed in a riot after a public meeting of the “Free Colchis” (pro-New Home) activist group degenerated into street fighting.

Riot police moved in to quell the disturbance, but were met with fierce resistance. Air/rafts were overturned and their fuel cells looted for use as bombs. An anti-aircraft missile was fired from the crowd, bringing down a police air/raft killing 25 officers and 2 civilians.

The mob then converged on the Amondiage Embassy shouting ‘Kill the French!’ The building was set on fire and fire department ’rafts were prevented from drawing near for fear of further anti-aircraft fire.

The Deputy Ambassador was killed when stairs collapsed whilst he was helping embassy staff onto the roof, from where the Diplomatic ’raft was ferrying them to safety. The Ambassador has praised his courage and recommended him for a posthumous medal.

Colchis - week 7 More... [ history | world ]   X

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