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from to subject week X
Joyeuse CONFERENCE [CONF] Proposal for a Planet-Buster disarmament treaty. 8  
Serendip Belt CONFERENCE [CONF] Serendip Belt has no ‘horrific X-bomb planet-busters’ 8  
New Home New Colchis We intervened on Colchis to counter Neubayern communist insurgents 10 S

From: New Home
To:   New Colchis
Week: 10

We intervened on Colchis to counter Neubayern communist insurgents

Hello, long time no see. We of New Home wish to squash the seditious rumours about our takeover of Colchis, your parental planet. We have reason to believe that your great friend Neubayern was responsible for the supply of nuclear weapons to terrorist elements on Colchis, which forced elements of the British Army to intervene in an attempt to prevent large loss of life and the annihilation of the Amondiagian enclave on the planet. For this, and no other reason, elements of the 42nd Royal Marine Commando Brigade were forced to take over the capital Perth, and subsequently destroy half the Colchis Army. It is a total lie that we have always coveted Colchis, spread by Communist elements who do not believe in ‘one people, one empire, one leader’ a saying of our Royal Family. You, being of British stock (although your royal lineage is suspect) should understand this, as Colchis does. Now, due to your friend’s meddling I find that the other members of my sector expect me to protect Colchis, or they will quite happily step in. On top of this, your friend is causing great ructions by his use of Nuclear Terrorists, and is in serious danger of war with a whole subsector, with or without his friends. So I suggest you get him to change his tactics or there will be an unleashing of the military on him.

yours faithfully,

King John.

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Disarmament Conference opens on Joyeuse.

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Amondiage Embassy destroyed in riot, deputy Ambassador killed.

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New terrorist outrages destroy Naval fuel facilities. Esperanzan Freedom Army claims responsibility.

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week 10
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Sansterre establishes naval base. Inhabitants protest.

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Zuflucht annexed by brutal Serendip Belt invasion!

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