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Neubayern - week 2 More... [ history | world ]   X

Two New Home ‘Teleport’ class couriers destroyed by Neubayern Patrol. Attack was unprokoved, says New Home Ambassador.

Three New Home ‘Teleport’ class couriers arrived in system and began to approach Neubayern on a regular mail-delivery mission. They were detected making illegal contact with an unidentified person on the ground via tight beam maser.

The Neubayern ‘Hegel’ class frigate #94 Diplomat of Peace intercepted and ordered the New Home ships to heave to and prepare to be boarded. Minutes later sensors indicated that the vessels had begun to power up their jump drives.

The Hegel opened fire and destroyed HMAS Explorer and seriously damaged HMAS Speed before HMAS Magic could jump to safety out system. The hulks were boarded and towed back to Neubayern for scientific investigation. One seriously injured survivor was found, he is being treated in a high security hospital on Neubayern.

Neubayern - week 3 More... [ history | world ]   X

Due to worries about New Home infiltration of military computer centres, the government has decided to re-vet all computer operators. This immense task is expected to take several months.

At the same time, the software of all ships’ computers is to be checked for signs of infection by a computer virus of New Home origin.

Neubayern - week 5 More... [ history | world ]   X

Twelve diplomats depart for Joyeuse aboard two Engles class courier vessels. They will be taking part in the Joyeuse disarmament conference.

Neubayern - week 7 More... [ history | world ]   X

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Amondiage Embassy destroyed in riot, deputy Ambassador killed.

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Two New Home ‘Teleport’ class couriers destroyed by Neubayern Patrol. Attack was unprokoved, says New Home Ambassador.

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