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New Colchis - week 4 More... [ history | world ]   X

The New Colchis government has begun to build a large store of fuel and ammunition in deep space [hex NI-0605]. Several of the New Colchis “Angwidd” class death-ship planet-busters are included in the stores hidden there.

New Colchis - week 5 More... [ history | world ]   X

Esperanza’s contribution to the ‘Orphée patrol’ arrived in system this week, en route to Orphée. They request permission to refuel.

The New Colchis authorities are suspicious of the Esperanzans’ intentions, since this task force is almost one-hundred times larger than that suggested by Joyeuse when the Orphée patrol was first proposed.

They are placed in a holding orbit 100 diameters from New Colchis, and not allowed to refuel while this week’s courier carries a request for further information (and proof of good intentions) to Esperanza.

New Colchis - week 7 More... [ history | world ]   X

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Amondiage Embassy destroyed in riot, deputy Ambassador killed.

week 8
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New terrorist outrages destroy Naval fuel facilities. Esperanzan Freedom Army claims responsibility.

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Sansterre establishes naval base. Inhabitants protest.

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Zuflucht annexed by brutal Serendip Belt invasion!

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