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Sansterre CONFERENCE [CONF] Address to the CDSD 9  
New Colchis Joyeuse, Serendip Belt We should assassinate the Thatcher, and then seize control of Esperanza under the pretext of ‘restoring order’ 8  
New Colchis Serendip Belt, Neubayern, Joyeuse, New Home, Amondiage, Sansterre We must unite to face the true enemy: Esperanza 8  

From: Sansterre at CONFERENCE
To:   All
Week: 9

Address to the CDSD

“...and furthermore, I must reiterate my own government’s stand on so-called ‘planetbusters’. These weapons never have been a part of Sansterre’s defence policy, we have no intention of building any, and deplore any attempt by any government to build and use such weapons as a means of diplomacy. And as far as the allegations from M. Paul Williams (Director of CDSD) that out own Python planetoid transporters could be used in such a role we refute entirely, and invite any observer to witness their peaceful use, as a transport vessel carrying aid to those in need in the Colchis system...”

[Nb. It was a Python class transport that delivered the consignment of 102 ‘Sidewinder’ class frigates to New Home.]

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Disarmament Conference opens on Joyeuse.

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Amondiage Embassy destroyed in riot, deputy Ambassador killed.

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New terrorist outrages destroy Naval fuel facilities. Esperanzan Freedom Army claims responsibility.

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week 9
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Sansterre establishes naval base. Inhabitants protest.

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(-6 weeks)

Zuflucht annexed by brutal Serendip Belt invasion!

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