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New Home All [PR] Nuclear Tourists. 2  

From: New Home
To:   All
Week: 2

PRESS RELEASE: Nuclear Tourists.

In the present times it is expected that foreign nationals will sometimes get arrested for being in the wrong place, or taking pictures of the wrong thing. This is normal, and while it is distasteful to us all, it is not an overly horrific crime, provided the rules are stuck to.

However when several citizens of a foreign power have nuclear warheads on them, and are generally trying to stage a coup against HM Government, in order to install a communist regime, things could be said to have gone a little far. At present a state of emergency does not exist. The cause of course is Neubayern, who has been shipping weapons to a bunch of terrorists on New Home. Unless this is stopped immediately and reparations made by Neubayern, this planet will have to consider its options.

Thank you for your attention.

King John IV.

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New terrorist outrages destroy Naval fuel facilities. Esperanzan Freedom Army claims responsibility.


Massive blast destroys jump-drive factory. 1000’s dead! Government blames terrorists.

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(-6 weeks)

Two New Home ‘Teleport’ class couriers destroyed by Neubayern Patrol. Attack was unprokoved, says New Home Ambassador.

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St. Denis
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Sansterre establishes naval base. Inhabitants protest.

week 9
(-6 weeks)
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(-6 weeks)

Zuflucht annexed by brutal Serendip Belt invasion!

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