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Neubayern CONFERENCE [CONF] Neubayern will only sign the treaty if New Home withdraws from Colchis 12  
Joyeuse New Colchis We should join in a covert war against Esperanza 12 S
Joyeuse New Home I must protest about the anti-French tone of you actions on Colchis 12 S

From: Neubayern at CONFERENCE
To:   All
Week: 12

Neubayern will only sign the treaty if New Home withdraws from Colchis

Neubayern fully supports the aim to totally abolish all planet-busters from all areas of the Islands Clusters.

However, although Neubayern abhors this form of weapon, it unfortunately finds it necessary, at this moment, to keep this deterrent option to defend its people from aggressive and imperialistic powers who are bent on threatening the fragile peace that exists between our powers. This is because only mutually assured destruction is enough to convince the dictatorial warlords that abound in the Islands Clusters that the subjugation of the people of Neubayern is totally unacceptable.

This view has been heavily reinforced by the recent news of New Home forcefully annexing Colchis, where thousands have died, with the sole aim of further increasing its capability to wage war against other planets in the sector.

So, although the Neubayern government would have previously been willing to comply with the abolition of said weapons, with only a few minor changes, this is not now the case. Only a complete withdrawal of all New Home forces and a new government freely and democratically voted in, will convince Neubayern that it can again trust all major powers in such an agreement.

In brief, Neubayern will only consider signing this treaty if New Home unconditionally withdraws from Colchis and Serendip Belt does the same at Zuflucht.

Finally, Neubayern does not consider asking an outside imperialistic force to oversee the joint deterrent force to be a good idea, as our government does not trust it to take a truly independent rôle.

(-0 weeks)

Neubayern withdraws disarmament pledge.

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Fear of Esperanzan expansionism fuelled, as fleet stationed at Besançon.

(-2 weeks)

New Home fleet attacks. Huge Naval battles in the skies of Colchis. New Home declares “Empire”.

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Massive blast destroys jump-drive factory. 1000’s dead! Government blames terrorists.

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week 12
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New Home’s Royal Navy leaves port, lead by First Space Lord Blackadder.

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Zuflucht annexed by brutal Serendip Belt invasion!

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