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Joyeuse All [PR] ‘Campaign for Deathstar Disarmament’ press conference 3  

From: Joyeuse
To:   All
Week: 3

PRESS RELEASE: ‘Campaign for Deathstar Disarmament’ press conference

The Campaign for Deathstar Disarmament today held a press conference at their main offices in Skyside. Members of the campaign from all worlds of the Clusters were present to issue a joint statement and answer questions.

M. Williams, as Director, issued the following statement:

‘The aim of the campaign remains the banning and dismantling of every ‘planet-buster’ weapon in the Clusters. All of our members remain totally committed to this, and only this, aim.

We welcome the statement from the Serendip Belt government and their decommissioning of nuclear capable vessels, however we will be even more grateful when the have decommissioned their horrific ‘X-bomb’ planetbusters. In fact it is out belief that they have enough of these vessels to destroy every world in the Clusters twice over. Is this because with the Serendip Belt military on the trigger they’ll probably miss the first time?

Once again we call on all citizens of every world to join our campaign and help achieve our ends. Remember: it’s your responsibility to ensure that your world never uses such a weapon.’

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