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Esperanza - week 8 More... [ world ]   X

Fleets 1, 3 and 5 have returned after their counter-espionage decoy mission.

Trading vessels brought news of the annexation of Zuflucht by Serendip Belt forces in week 3. They carried a plea for help to the “Free peoples of the Islands”.

Large elements of the 5th Fleet have formed themselves into task force ‘Besançon,’ and departed for Besançon. They will travel via military fuel dumps.

The Esperanzan 2nd Fleet today began a series of manoeuvres and weapons testings inside the atmosphere of Esperanza. These were widely believed to be an attempt to intimidate the EFA. Several citizens who complained that their windows had been shattered by sonic booms have been detained for “Psychiatric Readjustment.”

Esperanza - week 9 More... [ world ]   X

The 2nd Fleet continued its maneuvers this week. There have been no further complaints about sonic booms.

Another bomb explosion in a jump drive factory has caused ‘minor damage’. Two men were arrested by police a few hours later. Both were employees of the factory. They will stand trial as soon as they have got out of hospital.

An F-Cour class carrier has left, bound for New Home. It is carrying captured New Home spies who are being repatriated as a gesture of good will.

Fleets 1, 4 and 5 have departed for manoeuvres in the Wellington system. Grand Admiral Ripley commands the expedition.

Esperanza - week 10 More... [ world ]   X

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Disarmament Conference opens on Joyeuse.

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Amondiage Embassy destroyed in riot, deputy Ambassador killed.

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