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Colchis - week 10 More... [ history | world ]   X

New Home Fleet arrives.

New Home fleet attacks. Huge Naval battles in the skies of Colchis. New Home declares “Empire”.

The 2nd Meson Cruiser Squadron and the 1st Destroyer Escort Group have arrived in the Colchis system. They were accompanied by a Python class transport of the Sansterre Navy carrying New Home elite troops.

All units immediately moved to secure the fuel source at Rhodes the gas giant. There in High Guard they met the 1st and 2nd Carrier Groups and the 1st Battle Squadron of the Colchis Naval Defence (CND) force.

The Colchis forces moved into defensive positions and the carriers ‘Europe’ and ‘France’ began to deploy their fighter wings.

First Space Lord Blackadder, commanding the New Home force, requested that his fleet be allowed to refuel. Admiral Hawkins in charge of CND High Guard, requested a pause while he contacts his superiors. Blackadder refused and ordered a squadron of Hunter class escorts into the atmosphere of the Gas Giant in order to refuel.

Warning shots were fired by the CND 1st Battle Squadron, but the NH force continued its slow advance down the gravity well. Its bluff called, the CND force sat helplessly by as the New Home ships refueled.

Once the whole fleet was refueled it proceeded on towards Colchis itself, disdainfully ignoring the cries of complaint that filled the radio waves.

Several hours later the New Home ships reached high orbit about Colchis itself, where they were met by the 2nd and 3rd Battle Squadrons and the 4th Carrier Group of the Colchis Navy. The planetary government requested an explanation of their actions. The First Space Lord explained that his mission is firstly to ensure the safety of New Home citizens on Colchis, and secondly to offer the citizens of Colchis the option of peacefully joining the “British Empire”.

When asked what action he would take if such an option were rejected, he was evasive, stating only his intention of landing a force to “strengthen the Embassy Guard.”

In the subsequent hours, tense meetings of the Colchis Cabinet were held. The New Home Embassy was surrounded by troops and the troops were surrounded by an angry crowd. Rioting broke out at scattered points across the planet as rival factions clashed, and looters took advantage of the situation. The army was ordered onto the streets in seventeen regional capitals. Fierce civil disturbance broke out around the New Home Embassy.

Finally the government stated that it rejected the First Space Lord’s proposal “for the time being”, and requested that it be resubmitted “through proper channels”. Blackadder responded by stating that he was moving in his force due to an “immediate threat to the safety of the New Home Embassy”.

It was made clear that further advances, would be interpreted as an act of war. The New Home Forces advanced en-mass. They were fired upon by the CND. The Royal Navy fired back and a battle ensued.

Inside an hour, the CND casualties had been enormous: The surviving 25% of Battle Squadrons 1 and 2 fell back to close orbit, firing constantly. The 4th Carrier Group which had been in readiness in Close Orbit scattered into the atmosphere to hide itself on the surface or beneath the oceans. Minutes later the line above finally collapsed and the NH Navy had broken through into the atmosphere. Instead of pursuing fleeing fleet elements, the New Homers moved to capture Colchis’ main Starport, located outside Perth the capital city.

At this point, the commander of the Army force surrounding the New Home Embassy ordered his men to open fire. Within minutes the Embassy was a smoking ruin. There were no survivors.

Fierce street battles raged across the planet. Troops were directed from the main Government building, to intercept the New Home Troops landing at the Starport and on agricultural land to the South of the city, those that responded were decimated by New Home Marines, who then moved to capture the centre of government.

By the end of the day New Home troops were in control of all government buildings in Perth, and the survivors of the Cabinet were swiftly reconvened to accept the offer of membership of the “British Empire.” Riots still raged across the planet.

By the end of the second day, there is an uneasy peace in Perth as Royal Marines help “loyal” native troops to patrol the city.

Colchis - week 11 More... [ history | world ]   X

New Home Fleet Consolidates.

New Home tightens grip on Colchis.

A ‘Free Colchis’ government has been set up in the city of New London. They claim to speak for the free citizens of Colchis and to oppose New Home aggression. But a spokesman for the colonial government has called them “a bunch of Gallic anarchists.” Loyal troops are moving to restore order to the area. The government claims to control 90% of the planet. But independent observers have put the figure at closer to 70%. Acts of terrorism occur constantly. The First Space Lord has been reported to be “disappointed” with the response to New Home’s offer of “a more stable government, based upon the age old foundations of British justice”.

The 4th Battle Squadron is the only element of the CND to declare for the New Home sponsored government so far. This is however a defeat for the resistance, since they are the only squadron fully equipped to jump.

The present state of the Colchis Naval Defence force is:

The 1st Battle Squadron remains in High Guard.

The 2nd and 3rd Battle Squadrons are substantially destroyed, or floating crippled in high orbit.

The 4th Battle Squadron is loyal to the newly installed colonial government.

The 1st and 2nd Carrier Groups have jumped out system to an unknown destination.

The 3rd Carrier Group remains stranded in system.

The 4th Carrier Group is hiding on the world’s surface.

It has become clear that the New Home Royal Navy has not suffered any casualties despite an extensive battle. Figures on ground troop casualties are as yet unavailable, due to the confused situation.

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Disarmament Conference opens on Joyeuse.

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New Home fleet attacks. Huge Naval battles in the skies of Colchis. New Home declares “Empire”.

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Massive blast destroys jump-drive factory. 1000’s dead! Government blames terrorists.

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week 12
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