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CONFERENCE - week 12 X

The Joyeuse Disarmament Conference continues. Since the very news-worthy speeches and counter speeches of the first weeks, the delegates have settled down into small working groups. Several nations are working on various aspects of the problem, such as verification of any treaty, the probable accuracy and devastation caused by the weapons and the apparent willingness of some planetary governments to use them.

The Esperanzan government has continued to be among the most anti planet-buster of the participating governments. It is pushing strongly for a complete abandonment of these weapons and is also pushing for chemical and biological weapons to be included.

The nations that seem to be most in favour of the banning of planet-buster weapons are; Joyeuse; Serendip Belt and Esperanza. The delegates of Sansterre and Amondiage, whilst maintaining a stated opposition to planet-busters, have not contributed significantly to the discussions so far. The lack of a delegate from New Colchis continues to be an embarrassment to the host nation.

Neubayern withdraws disarmament pledge.

The earlier statements that the Neubayern government was willing to give up its weapons have been withdrawn following the recent brutalisation of the people of Colchis by the New Home Government. The Neubayern delegation, whilst stating that it agrees with the aims of the conference in principal, says that it now finds it necessary at the present time to keep these weapons to ensure the defence of its citizens against ‘Imperialistic Powers’. Only a complete withdrawal of all New Home forces from Colchis would convince it to return to its original position.

The New Home delegation declined to comment.

A representative of the world of Zuflucht, recently annexed by the Serendip Belt government, pointed out that his world was also under hostile occupation. The Neubayern delegation announced soon after that it supported the free people of Zuflucht and called for the Serendip Belt government to withdraw its forces.

A representative of the government of Besançon complained to the conference about what it called the ‘unwanted Esperanzan naval presence’ in his home system. He begged delegates to consider this as a most serious threat to the stability of the Clusters.

Finally the suggestion by the Emperor of Joyeuse that the Third Imperium could be called upon to oversee any agreement made at the conference was rejected by both Esperanza and Neubayern.

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Neubayern withdraws disarmament pledge.

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Fear of Esperanzan expansionism fuelled, as fleet stationed at Besançon.

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New Home fleet attacks. Huge Naval battles in the skies of Colchis. New Home declares “Empire”.

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New Home’s Royal Navy leaves port, lead by First Space Lord Blackadder.

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