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Colchis - week 11 More... [ history | world ]    

New Home Fleet Consolidates.

New Home tightens grip on Colchis.

A ‘Free Colchis’ government has been set up in the city of New London. They claim to speak for the free citizens of Colchis and to oppose New Home aggression. But a spokesman for the colonial government has called them “a bunch of Gallic anarchists.” Loyal troops are moving to restore order to the area. The government claims to control 90% of the planet. But independent observers have put the figure at closer to 70%. Acts of terrorism occur constantly. The First Space Lord has been reported to be “disappointed” with the response to New Home’s offer of “a more stable government, based upon the age old foundations of British justice”.

The 4th Battle Squadron is the only element of the CND to declare for the New Home sponsored government so far. This is however a defeat for the resistance, since they are the only squadron fully equipped to jump.

The present state of the Colchis Naval Defence force is:

The 1st Battle Squadron remains in High Guard.

The 2nd and 3rd Battle Squadrons are substantially destroyed, or floating crippled in high orbit.

The 4th Battle Squadron is loyal to the newly installed colonial government.

The 1st and 2nd Carrier Groups have jumped out system to an unknown destination.

The 3rd Carrier Group remains stranded in system.

The 4th Carrier Group is hiding on the world’s surface.

It has become clear that the New Home Royal Navy has not suffered any casualties despite an extensive battle. Figures on ground troop casualties are as yet unavailable, due to the confused situation.

Colchis - week 12 More... [ history | world ]    

An Insurgent class frigate of the Amondiage Navy arrived in system this week. It does nothing but observe the strife on the planet’s surface.

New Home fleet bombards Colchis cities.

Extensive bombardment of the city of New London has apparently silenced the Free Colchis government, as conventional missiles fired by the 1st Escort Group of the Royal Navy from close orbit destroyed all important government buildings in that city. A number of resistance-operated television stations that had sprung up over the past few days have been silenced by similar orbital bombardment. The Coldstream Guards have been sent into these areas to mop up any remaining opposition. By all accounts their latest high tech warbot troops have performed perfectly. Casualties have been reported to be “very light” amongst the New Home troops.

Demonstrations in favour of the New Home government have been staged in the capital city. Several diplomats from French speaking nations have been killed by roaming mobs. The authorities have suspects in detention following investigation into these incidents. Royal Marine guards have been set up around the Joyeuse Embassy.

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