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Joyeuse CONFERENCE [CONF] Proposal for a Planet-Buster disarmament treaty. 8  
Serendip Belt CONFERENCE [CONF] Serendip Belt has no ‘horrific X-bomb planet-busters’ 8  
Serendip Belt All [PR] FOR SALE! One hundred Naginata class fighters 8  
Esperanza Serendip Belt I have been authorised to procure the fighters you have for sale 10 S

From: Esperanza
To:   Serendip Belt
Week: 10

I have been authorised to procure the fighters you have for sale

With respect to your advertisement of fighters for sale, I have been authorised by Grand Admiral Rippley to procure the one hundred Naginata class fighters you have for sale.

I am detailing some couriers to collect them and deliver payment of EsMCr2443.75 They will be arriving one week after this message. It would be appreciated if they could be ready for transit immediately.

I would also like to take this opportunity to point out that we will always be interested in any other military hardware you may have for sale, especially that not available to us.

Thankyou for your cooperation.

B.M.U. Scott.

Chief Engineer Scott. Department of Naval Engineering and Procurement, Esperanza.

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Disarmament Conference opens on Joyeuse.

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Amondiage Embassy destroyed in riot, deputy Ambassador killed.

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week 10
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