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Sansterre CONFERENCE [CONF] Address to the CDSD 9  
New Colchis Neubayern If I withdraw my bio-warfare agents, will you recall your nuclear terrorists? 8  
New Colchis Serendip Belt, Neubayern, Joyeuse, New Home, Amondiage, Sansterre We must unite to face the true enemy: Esperanza 8  

From: New Colchis
To:   Neubayern
Week: 8

If I withdraw my bio-warfare agents, will you recall your nuclear terrorists?

From : King Magnus VII of New Colchis from the Royal Palace of Croman on New Colchis.

Distributed to: The Ambassador of Neubayern

In response to your diplomatic missive of Week 3, I only feel I can say the same thing about the several thousand agents of the Neubayern Government apprehended by NECIB, operating on New Colchis, many of them with nuclear weapons and all attempting to form terrorist / revolutionary groups to overthrow my fair and just government.

Additionally, as you have undoubtedly interrogated the agents you mentioned, you will know the circumstances under which the viral agent is to be released; i.e. in the event of war breaking out between our great nations, and as you so rightly say, I see no reason that such circumstances should ever arise.

However I believe a mutual agreement for you to withdraw your agents mentioned above, and I to likewise withdraw my bio-warfare agents could be acceptable to us both in the interests of our mutual security. I await your response to this.

A second possible source of problems between us has recently come to light: In Week 3 seven Neubayern couriers jumped into the New Colchis system and began skulking around in the outsystem, so that a system defence squadron was forced to investigate. While I am sure this was an honest error on your captains’ parts, such activity should not be repeated in future as such activity could easily be mistaken for espionage and wholly inappropriate action taken, which would not be good for relations between our two worlds.

I look forward to your reply,


Magnus VII, King of New Colchis.

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Massive blast destroys jump-drive factory. 1000’s dead! Government blames terrorists.

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