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Neubayern All [PR] We deplore Serendip Belt’s imperialistic invasion of Zuflucht 8  
Neubayern New Colchis, Joyeuse, New Home, Sansterre, Amondiage I urge you to join me in condemning Serendip Belt’s invasion of Zuflucht 8  

From: Neubayern
To:   New Colchis, Joyeuse, New Home, Sansterre, Amondiage
Week: 8

I urge you to join me in condemning Serendip Belt’s invasion of Zuflucht

This invasion of Zuflucht is a direct threat to the fragile peace that we are all trying to hold together. It shows that no planet in the Islands Clusters is safe from imperialistic governments like Esperanza and Serendip Belt. This annexation of Zuflucht by Serendip Belt is an indirect act of aggression against all of us, as no doubt Serendip Belt will impose huge taxes on Zuflucht to help their war effort.

If future events dictate that one of us should be weakened by war, then we are likely to suffer the same fate at the hands of Serendip Belt as those pitiful citizens of Zuflucht.

Thus I urge you to join me in condemning Serendip Belt and use all diplomatic pressure possible in forcing their withdrawal.

Karl Hoganstein

Spokesperson and Commissar of the Peoples’ Republic of Neubayern.

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New terrorist outrages destroy Naval fuel facilities. Esperanzan Freedom Army claims responsibility.

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Zuflucht annexed by brutal Serendip Belt invasion!

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