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Neubayern CONFERENCE [CONF] Neubayern will only sign the treaty if New Home withdraws from Colchis 12  
Joyeuse New Colchis We should join in a covert war against Esperanza 12 S
Joyeuse New Home I must protest about the anti-French tone of you actions on Colchis 12 S

From: Joyeuse
To:   New Home
Week: 12

I must protest about the anti-French tone of you actions on Colchis

To: His Majesty King John of New Home and Colchis.

Your Majesty,

I must protest about the viciously racist and anti-French tone of certain actions on Colchis in the last month.

The Joyeuse Government would like to point out the great difference which exists between anti French sentiment, of which we mildly disapprove in view of the actions which it might encourage certain extremists to take, and anti Amondiage sentiment, of which we thoroughly approve.

I would also like to take this opportunity to distance our government from the so called ‘Free Colchis Government’ operating on that world. The government of Joyeuse does not back terrorists.

If certain elements of Colchis society persist in using ancient history to justify their actions we may be forced to resort to similar methods and move French riot police into our embassy on Colchis to protect it from the mobs.

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Neubayern withdraws disarmament pledge.

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Fear of Esperanzan expansionism fuelled, as fleet stationed at Besançon.

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New Home fleet attacks. Huge Naval battles in the skies of Colchis. New Home declares “Empire”.

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week 12
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