Journey around the Wheel of Life

Journey around the Wheel of Life

Welcome to my Journeys around the Wheel of Life. As I follow my own spiritual path, I feel a stronger connection to the changing tides of Nature and the sacred Earth. In these pages I share my discoveries with you, as I journey around the Wheel of the Year.

As I complete more cycles around the Year, I will add to this site. I hope you enjoy what is already here. May it inspire your own journey around the Wheel and into Spirit.

- Sparrow

This is a good place to find inspiration if you are considering taking your own journey around the Wheel of Life.

All we are and all the energy we have ultimately comes from the Elements.

Patron Goddess of this place.

My blog keeps you up to date on the discoveries and challenges of my journeys around the Wheel.

Workshops and shamanic services. Follow the deer into the forest and find the source of your personal power.

Background articles and acknowledgments:
Introduction to the Wheel of Life. An essay on Divine Spirit. Find out what's new. About Sparrow, your host.


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