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The Combine (Spanish: La Union) is a state-sponsored mercantile venture, founded in 2302 CE by the government of Esperanza. At that time, the Esperanzan Commonwealth had been subjugated by the xa, and its people were chafing against Imperial rule.
The Combine's mission was to undermine the dominance of the Xa Imperium by any means necessary. Its merchants bypassed the Imperium, and traded directly with other alien worlds. For decades, they operated as privateers, preying on xa shipping, especially in the Spinward Main from Gateway (1414) to Weg (0512). The Combine helped to bankroll Weg's rebellion in 2375 CE, and was instrumental in the manoeuvrings that lead to Junction (0712) being declared a free-port, although it was eventually barred from Junction after the brief Combine War in 2634 CE.
Today the Combine operates almost as a parallel government within the Commonwealth - it runs its own schools and hospitals, in addition to ship-building yards, starports, and industries of all kinds.
The Combine Merchant Service is an elite section of this huge enterprise. They operate the merchant / privateer fleet, and outside of Corridor, they function almost as a self contained state.
The espers' subversion of Esperanzan public life began with the Combine, in the years leading up to the Sixth Xa War in 2673 CE. The higher echelons of the Combine quietly relaxed the rabidly anti-telepath policies, and began to utilise espers in their business dealings. Profits grew, and the telepaths' influence spread. Soon, branches of the Combine based back in Corridor tacitly accepted that espers were a necessary evil. Eventually they were tolerated even on Esperanza.
Combine officers wear black tailored uniforms, with coloured collars that denote their job: Gold for command, blue for science, red for engineering, green for trade, and black for esper. Combine support staff wear khaki jumpsuits. Security troops wear olive drab jumpsuits. All uniforms have the Combine sigil emblazoned on the left shoulder - a small off-centre circle, inside a larger circle - intended to represent Esperanza orbiting its primary.