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(Mechanic fixing stuff again)

Choose a name and gender for your character. You are from the Belt, so your name will likely sound Russian, or English with a job-title, or asteroid homestead name instead of a surname: E.g. Ekaterina Fissiontech, Mark Gardener, Yuri Diamondville.

Belters are rugged individualists. Earth has been trapped in luxury, worshipping their ancestors for so long that the Earthers have forgotten what it means to live.

The Outer Planets have never had easy access to other star systems. The jump points are all in the inner system. Consequently, Belters always tended to think of the wider galaxy as an "Earth matter". They never even considered that the espers would take an interest, much less unleash the power of the Fleet against them. Belatedly, you are having to learn to play the game of interstellar politics.

You hate the espers with a cold fury. You resent having to ask anyone for help. Earthers might toast "To Earth!", but Belters toast "Never Again!".

You are completely loyal to the Space Patrol service. They are the hardest, purest men & women alive. Bar none.

STR: 8                            BLUNT
DEX: 11   +1                      OOO
END: 6                GRAZE: OOO <     > OOOOO :SERIOUS
INT: 11   +1                      OOOO
EDU: 10   +1                      SHARP
SOC: 8

UPP: 8B6BA8  Age: 33  $ 20,000  Rank: 3 (Officer)

Admin-1               Comms-1        Deception-1   
Engineer-1            Gun Combat-1   Investigate-0   
Jack-of-all-trades-2  Leadership-1   Mechanic-3   
Persuade-0            Pilot-0        Vacc Suit-1
Zero G-0

Enemy: "Briar Rose", shadowy criminal mastermind
Languages spoken: English, Russian

Character history

Homeworld: Outer Planets

Background skills: Computers-0, Vacc Suit-0, Drive-0

Born in the Belt in 2687 CE, aboard Lucifer one of the "Iron Angels" - bubblehabs fabricated from nickel/iron asteroids. Your father was a drive technician and your mother was a contract asteroid miner.

Term #1: Space Patrol, Cadet (2705-2709 CE)

Pilot-0, Vacc-suit-0, Zero-G-0, Investigate-0, Persuade-0, Gun-combat-0, Comms, Deception-1, Vacc Suit-1, Mechanic, Enemy ("Briar Rose")

As a fiercely intelligent child, you could have gone to any University you chose. Instead of that, you steer a tougher course - joining the Space Patrol. Your cadet training is aboard Island One, a wheel-shaped space station in orbit around Saturn. Whilst on a training mission, you help uncover a people-smuggling ring, lead by a shadowy figure called "Briar Rose". The smugglers put a price on your head.

Term #2: Patrol Support, Rookie (2709-2713 CE)

Jack-of-all-trades, Mechanic, Admin

The Patrol Support service is less glamorous than the Officer branch, but you prefer working behind the scenes. The Support service is surprisingly active in the field. As an expert mechanic, you have the opportunity to work undercover, investigating the Belt's cottage industry of space weapons manufacturers.

Term #3: Patrol Support, Officer (2713-2717 CE)

Jack-of-all-trades, Mechanic, +1 edu, Gun Combat, +1 soc

From the Outer Planets, events on Earth often seem a very distant concern. When the Emergency began, you were concentrating on an advanced technical training course. Even when insurgencies and brushfire wars started to break out between esper radicals and the Earth authorities, you never expected that it would affect you.

Term #3.1: Patrol Support, Officer (2717-2720 CE)

Leadership-1, Engineer

The complete takeover of the Earth Union by Next Step esper radicals comes as a complete shock. No one in the Outer Planets saw the Coup coming, even though in retrospect, the warning signs had been there for 20 years.

The Space Patrol takes on the job of defending the Outer Planets from the Earth Union Fleet. As Mars falls, and front line frigate squadrons start pounding the Patrol's ill-equipped police vessels, it becomes clear that the Belters will not be able to remain free for long. Many of your colleagues go underground - committed to leading the resistance. You take ship to Procyon, and start working to build a fleet that might, one day, rescue your home from tyranny.