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Choose a name and gender for your character. You are a European peon, so your name and appearance should reflect your ethnic heritage.
Earth was the most advanced, civilized society in the known galaxy. You are proud to be a member of Earth's peon class. Historically, peons were manual labourers who worked in factories or on the land, and who owned little or no property. Today, peons are servants, drivers, gardeners and so on. Most policemen and the bulk of the armed forces are also from the peon caste.
Peons are hard-working, honest, and loyal. They are the "salt of the earth", without whom civilization would literally grind to a halt.
Commoners would be helpless without you. It's all very well reading about history or reconstructing dead languages or whatever, but most commoners can't even fix a leaking tap, or know which end of a rifle to hold.
Geeks are a waste of space. You have no idea why anyone tolerates them. They have no respect for their betters, and contribute nothing to society. As far as you are concerned, they are all thieves, and Earth would be better off if they were all shipped off to the colonies.
Offworlders are generally quitters, who left Earth because they couldn't hack it there.
The espers might look human, but they have been tainted by alien corruption. They threaten everything you hold dear. Just being around them makes you feel chills.
STR: 10 +1 BLUNT
DEX: 9 +1 OOOO
INT: 10 +1 OOOO
EDU: 10 +1 SHARP
SOC: 5 -1
UPP: A9CAA5 Age: 34 $ 2000 Rank: 4 (Sergeant)
Athletics-1 Heavy Weapons-0 Melee-1 Streetwise-0
Computer-0 Language-0 Recon-2 [+1] Survival-1
Drive-0 Leadership-2 Sensors-1 Vacc suit-2
Gun combat-4 Medic-0 Stealth-1
Augmentations: +1 Recon (enhanced vision)
Languages spoken: English, <another?>
Homeworld: Earth
Background skills: Computers-0, Streetwise-0, Medic-0, Language-0
Born on Earth in 2686 CE, into the peon class. You are a citizen of the European Federation. Father was a gardener, mother was a servant. You were extremely well educated at a peon technical school.
Athletics-0, Drive-0, Heavy Weapons-0, Melee-0, Recon-0, Gun Combat-1, Gun Combat, Vacc Suit-1, Recon-1, Gun Combat
Military service is one of the principle ways for the peons to better themselves. As you have no interest in a life of service, and you have a hankering to see the universe, you join the Army. You enlist with NATO's Urban Assault Corps.
Your very first mission is a search & rescue operation on Earth's Moon. You acquit yourself bravely, and are promoted to lance corporal.
Athletics, Melee
You have met the love of your life. You are wedded to the service, so you never marry, but even so, you value your love's companionship.
You are wounded during a disastrous counter-insurgency operation on Cassiopeia. NATO is assisting their puritan allies fight the advance of Esperanza's new Next Step regime.
Gun Combat, Leadership, Leadership-1, Stealth
The Next Step movement has started to take hold on Earth, and you are called upon to serve in North America. While supposedly a "police action", the conflict turns into a hot war - the first on Earth in centuries. You fight bravely, and are promoted to lance sergeant.
Survival, Sensors, +1 end, +2 int, +1 int, Vacc Suit, Combat Implant: Augmented vision (Recon)
The espers finally seize control of the Earth Union, and brutally crush the last few nations who stand against them. The European Federation is one of the last places to fall. You participate in a desperate holding action that enables hundreds-of-thousands of people, and millions of uploads to flee to safety. Wounded, surrounded, and outnumbered by the enemy, you hold out until relief arrives.
In the confusion, you have lost touch with your love. You have no idea if they made it off Earth, or were killed or interned by the Next Step.
The remains of your unit have made it to Procyon. The remnants of NATO high command have joined forces with the Procyon Defense Alliance. You have spent the last few years training raw recruits, and leading dangerous commando missions into occupied territory. You spend your leave time searching the refugee camps of Harbourtown for your love.