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Pre-gen characters for The Mars Exploit

Character Summary
Special Agent Senior representative from Andor Inc.'s security department.
Pilot Fighter pilot, and captain in the Earth Union Fleet.
Mechanic Space Patrol support officer.
Infantry Commando Sergeant in NATO's 4th Infantry division.
Computer Programmer One of humanity's most talented programmers - a shameful occupation.
Infiltration Expert A former low-life, who knows how to get stuff done.

Stats and skills

                 Agent Cmndo Inflt Mech  Pilot Prog  BEST
<str> .......... .     +1    .     .     .     .         <str>
<dex> .......... .     +1    +2    +1    +1    .         <dex>
<end> .......... -1    +2    .     .     .     .         <end>
<int> .......... +2    +1    +1    +1    .     +2        <int>
<edu> .......... .     +1    .     +1    .     +3        <edu>
<soc> .......... +2    -1    -1    .     +1    -1        <soc>

                 Agent Cmndo Inflt Mech  Pilot Prog  BEST
Admin .......... 1     .     .     1     .     1     1   Admin 
Advocate ....... .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Advocate 
Animals ........ .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Animals 
Athletics ...... 0     1     1     .     .     0     1   Athletics 
Art ............ .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Art 
Astrogation .... .     .     .     .     1     .     1   Astrogation 
Battle dress ... 0     .     1     .     .     .     1   Battle dress 
Broker ......... .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Broker 
Carouse ........ .     .     0     .     .     .     0   Carouse 
Comms .......... 1     .     .     1     .     .     1   Comms 
Computers ...... 0     0     0     .     0    >5<    5   Computers 
Deception ......>4<    .     0     1     .     .     4   Deception 
Diplomat ....... .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Diplomat 
Drive .......... 1     0     .     .     2     1     2   Drive 
Engineer ....... .     .     .     1     .     1     1   Engineer 
Explosives ..... .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Explosives

                 Agent Cmndo Inflt Mech  Pilot Prog  BEST
Flyer .......... .     .     .     .     1     0     1   Flyer 
Gambler ........ .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Gambler 
Gunner ......... .     .     .     .     0     .         Gunner 
Gun combat ..... 1    >4<   >3<    1     1     0     4   Gun combat 
Heavy weapons .. 0     0     .     .     .     .     0   Heavy weapons 
Investigate .... 2     .     .     0     .     .     2   Investigate 
Jack of all tr.. .     .    >3<   >2<    .     .     3   Jack of all tr
Language ....... .     0     .     .     .     .     0   Language 
Leadership ..... 1     2     .     1     1     .     2   Leadership 
Mechanic ....... .     .     .    >3<    0     .     3   Mechanic 
Medic .......... .     0     .     .     .     .     0   Medic 
Melee .......... 1*    1     1     .     1     0     1   Melee 
Navigation ..... .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Navigation 
Persuade ....... .     .     .     0     .     .     0   Persuade 
Pilot .......... .     .     .     0    >4<    .     4   Pilot 
Recon .......... 0     2     1     .     1     0     2   Recon

                 Agent Cmndo Inflt Mech  Pilot Prog  BEST
Remote ops ..... .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Remote ops 
Science, Phys .. .     .     .     .     .     0     0   Science, Phys 
Science, Life .. .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Science, Life 
Science, Soc'l.. .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Science, Soc'l
Science, Space.. .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Science, Space
Seafarer ....... .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Seafarer 
Sensors ........ .     1     .     .     .     .     1   Sensors 
Stealth ........ 1     1    >3<    .     .     0     3   Stealth 
Steward ........ .     .     .     .     .     .     .   Steward 
Streetwise ..... 0     0     1     .     0     0     1   Streetwise 
Survival ....... .     1     .     .     .     0     1   Survival 
Tactics ........ 0     .     .     .     1     1     1   Tactics 
Trade .......... .     .     .     .     .     2     2   Trade 
Vacc suit ...... .     2     .     1     0     1     2   Vacc suit 
Zero-G ......... .     .     .     0     0     .     0   Zero-G 
                 Agent Cmndo Inflt Mech  Pilot Prog  BEST