Fruit Moon

The Full Moon of this time appears in the sign of Pisces, with the Sun in Virgo. During this Moon, or just after, we celebrate the Autumn Equinox.

Fruit Moon Tasks

After taking a break from our work in the Surrender Moon and looking at our work from a distance, we can come back refreshed to put the finishing touches on our Year's work.

The fruits of the field are ripening. Apples blush at the idea of being picked soon. Things go to seed and give up their fruits to the four winds. We can now put the same effort into our work, make it ripe and whole, ready for the harvest.

Yet for a teacher like myself, September inevitably feels like a new beginning. This intense finishing time is also a time of renewed effort, and I set myself new tasks. This Fruit Moon, I started to train myself very consciously. There are a few things I want to achieve as a shamanic witch that take time to learn. I need to learn how to create harmony in my environment, so that I am well-grounded enough to journey into the Otherworld safely. I also want to become aquainted with many more stories of my chosen tradition, so that I can tell them with conviction and from my own experience. I wish to express that experience in images, photographic as well as made out of textile, so that others can share it. And I need to increase my experience with the Tarot, to really learn that old book of wisdom.

Learning and practicing all these things, and sharing them on this site, is my most important task. This practice completes the search I started last Hallowmas; it is an expression of my relationship with Brighid and the Elements.

Fruit Tide

Every Moon has its own Fruit Tide, when the right hand side of the Moon flattens out. You can see the waning Moon from before midnight and all through the night and morning.

At this tide, it is time to put the last burst of energy into the Moon's task. If things haven't gone well, or you lacked the energy to make real progress, this is the time to correct it, before your attention turns to the inner world with the Moon's waning energy.

In the Fruit Tide of life, people also put the finishing touches on their carreers. Between the ages of 54 and 60, people can begin to draw on their experience and use it in their work. They often hold the most responsible positions they ever will in their late fifties. For career people, this is their crowining glory.

Others, too, feel the strength of their experience. This is no longer a time to attempt to be what you are not. People have become familiar with their own idiosincracies now, and settle comfortably into their bodies and their personalities. They show themselves as gloriously ripe human beings.

Fruit Moon 2002

Sunshine finally came to us this Moon. We enjoyed some of it in Barcelona, where it was still quite warm at this time of year, but thankfully not too much so. But in England, too, we had some warm sunny days and balmy evenings. It was great to be able to go outside in light clothes and enjoy sitting in the grass. It didn't take summer quite until October to come back to us, as I had feared.

Because we went away and because I felt overworked and stressed much of this Moon, not much meditation got done. The Moon passed very quickly, and I hardly got to work with Brigit at all. But I learned from her that trust is the foundation, not only of healing but of joy and life itself.


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